· By Jan Branicki

Ableton vs FL Studio: The Ultimate DAW Comparison

If you are facing the daunting challenge of choosing between Ableton and FL Studio, you are not alone. The struggle of deciding on the right DAW can be overwhelming, as both offer powerful tools and unique features that cater to different artistic styles and workflows. 

So, is Ableton better than FL Studio? While both have diverse capabilities, your choice comes down to the one that can fulfill your specific musical requirements. In this article, we will delve into the differences between Ableton vs FL Studio so you can make an informed decision.

What is a DAW - An Overview

DAW refers to a Digital Audio Workstation, which is a platform where you can record, mix, edit, and create new music. In today’s digital world, it has become an essential tool for musicians, producers, and audio engineers.

It provides comprehensive features and tools that let musicians manipulate and arrange audio tracks precisely and flexibly. These applications generally include a graphical user interface, audio recording capabilities, virtual instruments, MIDI sequencing, audio effects, and mixing tools, and often support third-party plugins like Serum and UAD-2.

Is Ableton Better than FL Studio

A DAW functions as a digital recording studio, empowering artists to create audio and music digitally for a wide range of applications such as live performances, games, videos, and beyond. It has enabled music-producers to take control of their productions, eliminating the need for expensive studio setups. 

How Does a DAW Function?

A Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) functions as a comprehensive software for music production. It lets you record, edit, arrange, mix, and master audio and MIDI tracks. Additionally, it provides a graphical user interface where you can manipulate audio waveforms, apply effects, adjust volume and panning, and arrange musical sections. 

You can utilize several tools, including virtual instruments, effects processors, and mixing consoles, to shape the sound and create professional-quality music. Overall, a DAW serves as a central hub for all stages of music production, providing the necessary tools and functionality to bring creative ideas to life.

Importance of Choosing the Right Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)

Each DAW application offers unique features, interface design, and compatibility, catering to different musical styles and user preferences. Therefore, you must choose a suitable DAW platform to ensure it fulfills your musical requirements. The choice will impact your workflow, creativity, and overall production quality.   

Ableton vs FL Studio - A Comparison

Ableton is a popular DAW that provides a comprehensive platform for music production, composition, and live performances. Similarly, FL Studio, also known as Fruity Loops, is another widely-used audio workstation that offers a user-friendly interface for producing quality music and beats.

The main question here is - what's better FL Studio or Ableton? While they have the same basic functions, Ableton and FL Studio differ in their advanced features and capabilities. So, here's a breakdown of the difference between Ableton and FL Studio.  

1. User Interface

Ableton Live has a minimalist interface with two separate views - the sessions and arrangement view. The sessions view is well-suited for live performance and improvisation, while the arrangement view is for regular music production.

On the other hand, FL Studio has a single view with different options for customizing the interface, plugins, keyboard shortcuts, and more. It has a visually appealing interface with pattern-based sequencing as its core component. The application uses a channel rack and piano roll for creating and arranging patterns.

2. Workflow

The platform of Ableton Live offers a session-based workflow where you can trigger and arrange clips in real-time. Moreover, the unique clip view enables users to launch and loop audio and MIDI clips, making it perfect for building tracks on the fly. 

FL Studio has a pattern-based workflow where you can create and arrange patterns in the channel rack and piano roll. It has a simple approach to beat-making with a step sequencer for creating drum patterns and melodic sequences. Users of FL Studio can arrange patterns and build compositions in a more traditional linear manner.

3. Audio Effects

There is a high-quality collection of audio effects, including EQ, compression, reverb, delay, modulation, distortion, and more, in Ableton. It has unique effects such as Beat Repeat for rhythmic manipulation, Glue Compressor for dynamic control, Auto Filter for frequency modulation, and more.

Ableton Vs FL Studio

The FL Studio application also has many built-in audio effects, including EQ, compression, reverb, delay, chorus, etc. Its unique effects include Gross Beat for time manipulation and stutter effects, Fruity Convolver for convolution-based processing, and more.

4. Instruments 

Ableton Live provides various instruments and samplers, including drum machines, synthesizers etc. It offers instruments like Operator for versatile FM synthesis, Wavetable for wavetable synthesis, and more.

FL Studio, on the other hand, also has a comprehensive selection of virtual instruments. It provides instruments such as Harmless for subtractive synthesis, Sytrus for complex frequency modulation synthesis, and more.

5. Live Performance Capabilities

The platform of Ableton Live is designed specifically for live performances. Its features, like the session view, allow for spontaneous triggering and looping of clips. Moreover, the follow-actions tool empowers live performers with automatic clip launching and arrangement variation, adding spontaneity and creativity to their live sets.

FL Studio has live performance features, too but is mainly known for its composition and production capabilities. You can use the Performance Mode to trigger patterns, loops, and effects in real-time using MIDI controllers or the computer keyboard.

6. Compatibility and System Requirements

Both Windows and macOS operating systems are supported on Ableton. It has moderate system specifications, such as a multi-core processor, 8 GB RAM, and a minimum screen resolution of 1280x800 pixels.

You can run FL Studio with both Windows and macOS as well. It has relatively lower system requirements compared to some other DAWs.

7. MIDI Editing

Ableton Live has several MIDI editing tools, including a piano roll editor, MIDI note editing, and manipulation features. It has a unique Warp function that allows for flexible and precise time manipulation of MIDI notes.

FL Studio provides a powerful and intuitive piano roll editor for MIDI editing. This contains advanced MIDI editing features like ghost notes, event automation, and customizable articulation maps.

8. Mixing and Mastering Tools

There is a versatile mixer interface with track grouping, individual track processing, and flexible routing options in Ableton. It offers mastering-specific tools like the Glue Compressor and Multiband Dynamics to achieve professional-level mixing and mastering results.

FL Studio also offers a powerful mixer interface that allows you to process individual tracks along with flexible routing options. This gives you control over how different audio elements are combined and processed.  

Additionally, it offers mastering plugins like Maximus and Wave Candy to facilitate precise control over the mix and achieve polished, professional-sounding results.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ableton and FL Studio

Here are some of the benefits and drawbacks of both Ableton and FL Studio. 



  • Versatile and performance-oriented workflow
  • Powerful MIDI and audio manipulation capabilities
  • Extensive collection of high-quality built-in instruments and effects
  • Ideal session view for improvisation and live performances


  • The steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Limited built-in sound libraries compared to some other DAWs
  • Relatively higher price point

FL Studio 


  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface, suitable for beginners
  • Extensive collection of virtual instruments and effects
  • Robust pattern-based workflow for beat-making and EDM genres
  • Lower system requirements compared to some other DAWs


  • Limited support for live performance features
  • Less suitable for genres that need a traditional linear arrangement
  • Mixer workflow can be complex for advanced routing and processing

What's Better FL Studio Or Ableton

Summing Up

It comes down to one central query - which DAW is better? Ableton or FL Studio? While both of these options have their strengths and weaknesses, the choice of the better DAW depends on your working needs.

Exploring Ableton vs FL Studio can help determine which DAW aligns better with your creative vision and workflow preferences. 

Make sure to try both platforms before you choose one to ensure you select the best option for your needs. Give them a trial run, do a thorough Ableton Live FL Studio comparison, and take your pick.